Create Beautifully™

The Create Beautifully™ podcast is for those wondering if they can really change, if they can truly find & live their passion and purpose, get out of negative habits and hum-drum ruts to break free of cyclical patterns of self-disappointment to learn how to fully trust their own intuition and custom-create an incredible life! You and all your authentic bigness and weirdness are not only welcomed, but invited on this journey as I invite you to let me be your accountability partner and for you to be mine, so that together we can explore what it means to Create Beautifully™ in every area of our lives and make a life that we’re proud as hell of! The call to Create Beautifully is one that asks you to answer the phone when your soul calls, no matter what fear arises, and know that you are supported and celebrated on this path to creating a life full of depth, meaning, magic, connection, abundance, passion, purpose, love & joy! (That’s a lot of adjectives, but they’re all achievable!) Be served on your journey of your own uncovering of who you really are with episodes that include my journey (the struggles, the rawness, the humor, the mess, the dance parties) as well as hear from Guests (those right in the middle of creating their own intentional journey) and Guides (those offering some pretty cool stuff to help heal patterns and trauma, give you ah-ha moments, and awaken your soul one piece at a time). We’ll dive into all kinds of topics including finding your purpose, money mindset, following the creative spark, unearthing your passion & gifts, growth mindset, healing modalities, enneagram work, honoring your capacity, marriage, friendships, raising kids and more! If our souls ask for it, we’re in! Feel free to DM me on Instagram @lizahippler with any episode requests or to submit yourself as a Guest or Guide! And make sure to subscribe so we can do this journey together!

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Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

The words we say to ourselves have incredible power and it can be so hard to move from the critical mind to one of self-love, especially if we have a lifelong habit of being hard on ourselves. Often, we simply don't know what else to say to ourselves, we don't have anything good to replace the negative thoughts. 
This episode is designed for you to repeat after me - I say an affirmation and you repeat it, we do that twice with each positive and accepting phrase. 
Some great places to listen and participate are:
When getting ready for the day in the mornings.
When getting ready for bed in the evenings.
When getting ready to go out with friends, on a date, to a meeting, etc.
When you have time to simply lie or sit still with your eyes closed. 
Driving in the car.
I purposely made this a little shorter so you could use it from beginning to end easily.
I would LOVE to know if you've enjoyed this episode - simply leave a review or DM me on Instagram! 
To dive even deeper into healing your relationship with your body and how you see yourself in photos, please visit 

Friday Dec 01, 2023

Let's embark on the Lens of Love journey, the one where we see ourselves and our bodies through love and not judgement. 
This episode is designed to do a few things for you:
1. Help you see that you're not alone when it comes to a *cough* complicated journey with your body, and perhaps how you view yourself in photos as well.
2. Provide inspiration around finding a unique blend of your gifts - gifts that you may have long forgot about or several gifts that you never realized could fit together in a beautiful way - and bringing that to the world.
3. Share with you my personal journey around my body (boobs) struggles and how that plus my gift as a photographer and experience and passion for personal and spiritual growth has led me to create Lens of Love. Hear what other women have experienced so far, what my hope for it is and see if it's for you.
Watch the incredible Lens of Love video by clicking here!
Check out Kate Tran who made the incredible video.
Get your name on the waitlist or email me about coming to you with Lens of Love!
Listen to my episode about my experience with breast implants & explant.

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

We hear it all the time: stories of how people rose up from the ashes to become incredibly powerful, influential people who go on to do amazing things in this world. We’ve seen Disney movies that tell us that a parent needs to die in order for us to find the love of our life. We are inundated with the idea that we must suffer in order to have an incredible life and for our dreams to come true, and it becomes all too easy to take this on subconsciously, and to repeatedly pull ourselves back from our absolute, most incredible highest potential until we feel that we have…suffered enough.
This past weekend I spent four days inside of Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within event, and I challenged my own belief of not having suffered enough, and I want to share with you, if you have a similar belief, how I blasted that wide-open, and how you can too, and start taking action right this moment on the truly abundant life that was meant for you.

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

Ah, that giant buzzword "authenticity." We're looking for it at every turn, especially in this highly curated world we live in. We want to see people being truly authentic - meaning, we want to know that their truth as a human being is just as messy, hard, beautiful, joyful, wrecked and full of potential as we feel our own is. We want that permission to simply BE OURSELVES without shoving parts of us under the rug, pretending they don't exist. And we look for other people who are living examples of that permission.
In this episode, I dive into just a few of the many, many waters of the overall authenticity conversation. Having worked with women solopreneurs for years now, I know how many of them are thinking, "I want to grow my business online, but I don't want to have to share everything about myself!" How do you navigate that and also do what it takes to live your purpose in this world? I discuss!
What about coaches and programs with leaders claiming over and over to be "authentic" all while having some shady sales tactics? This one deserves several of its own episodes, but I start the discussion here! 
And what can transparency teach us as it relates to our feelings of vulnerability around being authentic online? Turns out, a good bit!
Tune in and share in this conversation by sharing the episode with some of your own thoughts!
Want me to send you a Create Beautifully or Lens of Love sticker? DM me on Instagram!
Want to see what else I offer? Check out my website!
I'm always open to new guests who are helping guide others or who are walking the Create Beautifully path! Hit me up if you're interested in coming on!

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

Not a full episode, not a sparkle snack. This is what showing up during seasons that ask for more of our energy looks like for me in this moment. Here’s what’s happening in my life in this season and how I’m learning to embrace it and still show up. Would love to know if you relate.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

In 2014, ReNae Ione had the opportunity to get a reading from a psychic for the first time. But she didn't want to go because she was afraid the psychic would tell her what she knew she should probably do - leave her husband. 
Since then she's become a life coach, trained in reiki healing, hypnotherapy, yoga nidra, breathwork, EMDR, EFT, sound healing, human design and has done not one, but TWO 10-day silence retreats. 
She's about to launch her podcast "Born to Be Woo" any minute now! People have been telling her for years that she should have a podcast - perhaps you can relate! And, even though she's always jumping in and learning new things and filling her plate that way, she's excited about what a journey into podcasting could open up for her.
ReNae has an incredible track record of following the brave path. She combines life experience with her years of training into her 3-month VIP program all about stepping into your power! 
This episode is awesome for those who feel like they haven't yet found their way, have recently found it or have had it for a while, but are open to seeing what else is available. Enjoy!
Get to know more about ReNae and what she has to offer!
Come say hi on Instagram!
Check out my website and see what else I've got for you!

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023

When you were younger, did you ever go driving with your dad for the sake of pulling pranks and practicing your comedy stylings on random strangers on the street? No? Well, Mary Jane Murphy did! It seems she was destined for comedy! 
In this episode we definitely go in all kinds of directions (hello, welcome to two people who like to riff), but we have a blast. Just some of the things we discuss:
Sneaking into the circus by pulling a scam with her dad
When coaches want you to pay thousands of dollars for their program to teach you "how they made their millions," but really they had a very favorable scenario
MJ's gorilla comedy
What it's like for her in the world of comedy
Expanding on her podcast idea
My daughter's old YouTube channel (ARE YOU WATCHING IT?! #insidejoke - listen to the episode to be on the inside)
Cold weather
Oh, yeah, we cover all that and more. Mary Jane was truly a treat to have on and I hope you have as much fun listening as I did talking with her! And I hope that our conversation helps spark something in you or gives you permission in some way to take action on YOUR amazing dreams!

Monday Oct 09, 2023

Big energy. Go, do, more go. Beachbody, the Grammys. Today's guest, Debra Pivko, is as social and upbeat as they come. She was living a busy life that was fun, but also had her feeling like she was always behind.
It wasn't until 6 years ago and her cancer diagnosis that she was forced to slow down. Although, after hearing this episode, you might wonder what her full-throttle looked like if THIS is slowing down!  But either way, she was forced to care for herself in new ways that disrupted her usual way of life. In the process, she's been on a journey to create things that allow her to be as social and helpful as she can while still honoring her body.
A cheerleader for others, she's recently started a website to showcase women called Female Power Players. And her most recent idea that's lighting her up is that guessed it...a podcast! 
On this episode we dive into her routine, her vision for how she wants to show up, and how a podcast could be a perfect way to keep her self-care rhythms while also feeling social. It's an awesome episode if you need some encouragement and some ideas when it comes to honoring a season you may be in that you'd rather not be in.

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

LIfe in the 70s and 80s may now be looked back on by younger generations as cool and "vintage," but there were much deeper experiences for women growing up at that time. They felt the expectations of their grandmother's generation, urging them to go, do and be all the things that they couldn't - but what that often looked like was, at best, a corporate ladder (with glass ceiling) career. 
Sitting here in the early 2020s, these women have raised kids, gone/going through perimenopause and are into menopause. And many of them (us? I'm on the cusp of X and Millennial) are asking, "If I'd had different tools, would I have made different choices?" right along with today's guest.
Heather Lambert is here to fire up the conversation around the women of generation X - creating space to talk about their experiences growing up, what they're facing now and normalizing starting over and starting something NEW at this point in their lives. 
It's a fantastic conversation for gen x'ers, obviously, but also for the younger folk who may want to know that their future doesn't end in their 30s. 
In this convo, Heather talks about a friend/mentor and she wants to give him a shoutout! Check out Pete Turner & his awesome podcast, The Break It Down Show!
Tap RIGHT HERE to come follow my Instagram adventures!
Want to work together or grab some freebies?! Browse through my website!

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023

"Do it scared! Done is better than perfect! Take imperfect action!"
We see & hear these growth mindset go-for-it-now mantras seemingly everywhere we look. Do you ever want to yell back, "OKAY, BUT TELL ME HOW!!!"? It's all well & good to just tell people to "just do it," but that doesn't work for most of us. 
The moment we go to "take imperfect action" all the fear comes up. What will people think? Will my friends judge me? What if I succeed and my family hates me? I can't. It's not good enough. It has to be better. If it's not perfect, why do it?
We keep ourselves in a stalemate, running ourselves into a downward spiral, adding to our own self-created stories of "I can't do it. I just don't know how. I'm never consistent." 
But what if we could create our own container of support using nothing more than our own hearts & minds and a little help from the Universe? A mental space that would allow us to take that imperfect action and move us closer to our higher selves, the versions of us that are healthier, more fulfilled, giving back, full of love and joy - the us is that is becoming? You can.
In this episode I share the three steps I use that support me in taking imperfect action:
- (prologue) Having a knowing, being lit up, excited, ready for change
- Internal & external why
- A sense of being divinely supported
- Surrender & trust
Enjoy! You are made for more!!


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