Wednesday May 01, 2024

I Just Can't Anymore with the "Right" Way to Do Everything

After a 7-month long HARD season of stress, anxiety and illness, I'm coming out of it and getting back on track (or, getting on a NEW track because the old one wasn't exactly working). 


Here's what I'm coming to realize and move toward in my life: the "experts" always tell you the "right" way to do things - your business, parenting, finances, health, even creativity! And so we twist and contort our lives to try to do everything "right," but we find we're sacrificing our energy, our resources and stuffing our intuition in a box and telling it to shut up. And then we feel stifled and we begin to die inside - but at least we're doing it right!! Right? 


Wrong. I've been trying to do things this way for at least 20 years and I JUST CAN'T ANYMORE. This past season took me down HARD and there was no way to do anything "right" and even as I can breathe again the "right" course simply won't work if I have any hope of dreaming, creating and finding joy.


And so this is what it is going forward: I will no longer contort my life to try to do things. Instead, I will follow my instincts and ask for God's guidance and I will find the way that works FOR ME. Not the way that makes excuses okay, but the way the allows me to show up fully for my life, for the people in my life, for my dreams and my creative ideas. And it's not linear by any stretch of the imagination, for if I tried to make it linear into this non-linear and unpredictable life of mine then I would never move forward - isn't that an oxymoron for you?


So, let's chat about this season and what I'm learning and how I'll be showing up. Come along with me and see if this opens up anything for you, too.

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