Wednesday May 15, 2024

"That I Would Be Good, Even If I Got the Thumbs Down" | Being Our Own Beloved

The excessive need to do, to accomplish, to succeed, to heal, to find answers, to help others, to know it all - are all of these things in an effort to thwart the harsh voices in our heads telling us we're simply not good? Not loved? Not worthy?


I pulled a card from the Mary Magdalene Oracle Deck to help kick off this episode. My improv background coming in clutch with, "Hey God, I need a suggestion...." And what showed up was the card BELOVED. And what the guidebook gave as the meditation was, "How can I love myself unconditionally in this moment?" *deep exhale, y'all*


That hit me. I'm SO GOOD at working to find ways to heal. I mean, I'm EXCEPTIONAL at that. But I don't think I get a passing grade when it comes to offering myself unconditional love. I forget this step. I forget it's available. 


So, let's talk about it. Let's talk about all the ways in which we push and overdo and run and shove and force all in the ultimate effort to simply know we are GOOD. (Cue Alanis Moirssette's "That I Would Be Good" - don't worry, I read all the lyrics. Take them in, friend.) And then how easily we skip over the part where we offer ourselves unconditional love. How we forget to take it in from God, we forget about the divine within that's connected to God and that we can go to that in any moment and offer ourselves this most beautiful gift.


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