Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

New Beginnings Week 3: Get Clear on Your Purpose & Next Steps with Clarity Coach Diana Morris

What better way to finish out the New Beginnings series than with master Clarity Coach, Diana Morris?! So many of us are looking for clarity. We want to feel that certainty when making decisions and big life choices. We're constantly asking ourselves, "BUT HOW CAN I BE SURE?!" 
And this is where Diana asks us, "What is it you want to be sure about?"
Boom. This whole episode is chock full of nuggets like that, things that make us stop and take a step backward to the question we need to ask BEFORE the questions we're constantly asking. You're bound to leave this episode with ah-ha's and some major re-frames. 
Plus, we get into some pretty mind-blowing stuff around FINDING YOUR PURPOSE. Are we doing it all wrong? Is the whole perceived journey of finding your purpose just a trick? We expose it for what it is and bring some new thinking to the table that ought to give you a lot more peace and, check this, clarity. 
Listen in, it's a good 'un.
WIN A PHOTOSHOOT WITH ME! In-person or virtual! Get your name on the list for next week's ANNIVERSARY EXTRAVAGANZA! 
Visit Diana's website and get clarity! (And you'll also see the brand photos I did for her!)

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