Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

14 Powerful Affirmations to Love & Appreciate Your Body (Meditation Style)

The words we say to ourselves have incredible power and it can be so hard to move from the critical mind to one of self-love, especially if we have a lifelong habit of being hard on ourselves. Often, we simply don't know what else to say to ourselves, we don't have anything good to replace the negative thoughts. 

This episode is designed for you to repeat after me - I say an affirmation and you repeat it, we do that twice with each positive and accepting phrase. 

Some great places to listen and participate are:

  • When getting ready for the day in the mornings.
  • When getting ready for bed in the evenings.
  • When getting ready to go out with friends, on a date, to a meeting, etc.
  • When you have time to simply lie or sit still with your eyes closed. 
  • Driving in the car.

I purposely made this a little shorter so you could use it from beginning to end easily.

I would LOVE to know if you've enjoyed this episode - simply leave a review or DM me on Instagram! 

To dive even deeper into healing your relationship with your body and how you see yourself in photos, please visit 

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